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Instant Alerts. To the right technician. With accurate information. So we can fix it fast.

Superior 24x7 Round-the-Clock Monitoring turns conventional IT support on its head. Rather than wait for you to notice that a system has failed – often involving time-consuming ‘systems fiddling’ on your part – our 24x7 monitoring will alert us to problems at your sites. We’ll almost always know about a systems issue before you do, so we can fix it fast and minimize your business disruption.

What is 24x7 Round-the-Clock Monitoring?

24x7 Round-the-Clock monitoring checks your critical systems every five or fifteen minutes at your option. Whenever it sniffs a problem, it sends an email or SMS alert showing the exact nature of the problem directly to us. And it updates our WallChart, a large screen in our office that shows the exact status of all our Clients. We’ll see the true nature of the problem – rather than having to depend on (ahem) your best guess. That means we can fix it faster – and radically boost your overall uptime.

What Does It Check?

Every five minutes, 24x7 Monitoring will…

  • Check that your server is up and running.
  • Check that you can connect to the internet.
  • Check any or all of your Windows® Services, vital components of your server’s operating system. Services provide, well, vital services that allow you to logon to your network, access the internet, even print your work.
  • Ping various network devices or remote offices that you need to do your work.
  • Check TCP ports on your network, on other networks or at your ISP. If any of these ports are failing to respond, you may be unable to connect and do your job.
  • Check disk space to ensure it’s below a set threshold.
  • Check RAID devices to ensure that all disks are functioning correctly and data is safe.
  • Check your website to ensure it’s up and running and serving your customers.
  • Check other devices using SNMP.

If there’s a problem, we’ll be alerted instantly so we can take specific action to resolve the issue – almost always before you know you have one.


Convention superior serviceRound the clock service


Key Benefits

  • Specific, informative alerts show us the exact nature of the problem. We can fix it faster.
  • Problems are almost always highlighted to us before you even know you have one. Uptime is maximized.
  • Alerts are routed to the right technician. He can fix it faster – and do it right the first time.
  • Alerts for mission-critical systems can be set by SMS day or night.
  • Costs just pennies per day.

How do I get going?

24x7 Round-the-Clock takes just minutes to set-up, doesn’t require any system reboots and can be protecting your business from downtime today.

Contact: To find out more.


A range of reporting options that keep you informed – and assure you that we’re doing our job.

Superior Reports provide you with a range of ways to keep you informed. From Daily Health Check reports that advise you of the condition of your systems each morning, to Weekly Health Reports that provide a one-page, once-per-week health analysis, to comprehensive Monthly Client Reports that show trends and highlight issues on a wide range of systems, you’ll be able to choose the way you’d like to be kept informed.

What is the Daily Health Report?

The Daily Health Report provides a one-page summary showing the state of your:

  • Backup jobs
  • Anti-virus update
  • Disk health
  • Exchange Store size
  • Disk volume growth rates
  • Event logs
  • Hacker attempts

Note that the Daily Health Check service is a pre-requisite for this report.

If you contract with us for support, you can rest assured that we’re attending to any problems found. If you don’t contract with us, you can attend to these problems yourself – or call us for supplementary support.

What is the Weekly Health Report?

Sometimes you can have too much of a good thing. The Weekly Health Report summarises each day’s Health Checks into one easy-to-read report and delivers it once a week at a time suitable for you.

You’ll see developing issues, and you’ll be assured that we’re checking your systems each and every morning.

What is the Monthly Client Report?

Monthly Client Reports provide comprehensive detail about outages and trends experienced during the month. You’ll receive full colour graphs showing:

  • Disk space trends
  • Percentage good analysis for all 24x7 checks
  • Outage analysis by type
  • Backup complete and AV update trends
  • And more

You’ll see what parts of your network are creaking and are the cause of downtime. Together, we can address these issues and further improve your system's availability.

How do I get going?

Please note that reports can only be offered in conjunction with the Daily Health and/or 24x7 Round-the-Clock Monitoring Services.

Takes just 10 minutes No need for a technician to visit or for machines to reboot.

Contact: To find out more.

Proven Superior Service

Net Promoter Score


Net Promoter Score (NPS) is an index ranging from -100 to +100 that is used as a proxy for gauging a customer's overall satisfaction with a company.  Our 98.5 NPS score ranks us in the top 10 for all office equipment dealers in the United States.   Surveys are sent to our current customers after every service interaction.  NPS is calculated based on our customers' answers to one simple question:  "How likely are you to recommend Superior Office Systems to a friend or colleague?" 

The average US company has a Net Promoter Score of 10.  A “positive” score or NPS above 0 is considered “Good,” +50 is “Excellent,” and above 70 is considered “World Class.” 

NPS is certified by CEO Juice, Inc., an independent third-party organization.  Survey period January 2021 - January 2023.  Net Promoter, NPS and Net Promoter Score are trademarks of Satmetrix Systems, Inc., Bain & Company, and Fred Reichheld.

Contact Us

(732) 738-0093